Credit Counseling & Debtor Education Seminars are Available Online or by Phone
Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling
You must complete the Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling seminar before your case can be filed in Bankruptcy Court.
You are required to participate in a pre-bankruptcy seminar called “Pre-bankruptcy Credit Counseling” before your attorney is able to file your bankruptcy papers with the Court. You may attend the seminar either online, or by telephone. Please do not forget to input our firm code of #2369 when you register for the seminar.
This seminar is different, distinct from, and unrelated to any other sort of services you may have received from an organization like Consumer Credit Counseling or through some other debt repayment plan provider. Your certificate of completion from this seminar must be filed at the Bankruptcy Court along with your bankruptcy papers. The seminar is very easy; it can be completed either on-line or over the telephone. The seminar requires only about 1 hour 15 minutes for most people to complete. The cost for the seminar is approximately $50.00 for individuals or for a married couple. The fee for the seminar can easily be paid for with a debit or credit card.
Your attorney receives no share of the fees for the seminar.
We have an arrangement with a very reputable Credit Counseling firm. Click to go to the Credit Counseling firm’s web site to learn how to attend the Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling seminar online or by phone. Please do not forget to input our firm code of #2369 when you register for the seminar.
We cannot file any case in any chapter of bankruptcy for you until you have completed the seminar and obtained your Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling certificate.
Debtor Education
Failure to complete the Debtor Education seminar will cause your case to be closed without the issuance of a discharge.
After your case is filed to the Court by your attorney, there is a second mandatory seminar that you must complete called “Debtor Education”. When registering for the “Debtor Education” seminar, please do not forget to input our firm code #2369. The Debtor Education seminar costs about $50.00 for both individuals as well as for couples filing jointly.
Your attorney receives no share of the fees for the seminar.
If you do not complete the “Debtor Education” seminar, your case can be closed without the issuance of a discharge, which is a bad thing, because your debts are not erased even though you completed the bankruptcy case and went to Court. The “Debtor Education” seminar is easy to complete; most people finish the seminar in about two hours. You may take the course either on-line or by telephone.
Click to go to the Debtor Education seminar firm’s site to learn how to attend the seminar online or by phone. Please do not forget to input our firm code of #2369 when you register for the seminar.
You should not wait until the last minute to attend either of the seminars because there can be delays in the issuance of the certificate.
Do not forget to bring your Debtor Education certificate to Court with you when you attend your 341 meeting. You must turn the certificate in to the Clerk’s office. Failure to turn in your Debtor Education certificate will cause your case to be closed without the issuance of a discharge.