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What is the state of Washington’s economy?

A recent story presented by KOMO News stated that as of February 9, 2012, Washington State’s budget shortfall is down to $500 million. The state’s economy is stabilizing and showing signs of growth as people rely less on state services.

Numbers released last Thursday by the state’s Economic and Revenue Forecast Council showed $96 million in extra revenue and an additional $340 million in expected savings from less reliance on state services. Prior to this report, state legislatures had been looking at about a $1 billion shortfall.

According to Steve Lerch, the U.S. economy has had higher job growth than anticipated. He also stated that Boeing manufacturing output, growth in the software sector, and strong exports have placed the state in a “decent” position.

Lerch still has his reservations about celebrating, though. He feels that due to our country’s financial situation compounded by the economic crisis overtaking Europe and the slowdown in Asia creates a variety of risks that Washington state needs to continue to monitor.

With these risks in mind, state budget officials are looking at ways to cover more than just the current shortfall. They hope to retain a buffer of approximately $600 million in case the state economy struggles again.

House Republicans plan to release their proposal for the budget by tomorrow, and the Democrats have promised to release their ideas next week.

Many experts believe that we may be headed for another recession. Don’t enter a second recession with mountains of debt. I can help you to understand the options available to you for dealing with your debts. I am sure that I can be of assistance to you, to a family member, or to a friend as we all know people experiencing trouble these days even if we are not experiencing our own financial troubles. Please do not hesitate to make contact with me. I emphasize courteous and discrete consultations that fill your time with useful information. The impact to your life after an in-person consultation with me may be substantial, and life-long. You will enjoy a new peace of mind and a fresh hope for the future with a new roadmap for financial success that we develop together. You can contact my scheduler through our website for your free 30 minute consultation. If you wish, you may schedule your free 30 minute consultation by phone by calling us at 253-383-1001 Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM until 5:45 PM, and on Friday from 9:00 AM until 12 noon.

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